Creating a Safe Environment for Trauma Survivors

tips for safe environments for trauma victims

Whether you’re a family member, significant other, friend, therapist, co-worker, employer, or anyone else attempting to provide the best support for a trauma survivor you know, it’s important to create spaces where they feel safe and comfortable. The journey toward healing is deeply influenced by the environment in which it takes place and as such, it’s imperative to offer environments that provide safety in every aspect of life: physically, emotionally, and socially. This can help the trauma survivor in your life begin the journey of healing and makes it less likely for them to re-experience trauma or become triggered by their surroundings. 

The team at Lighthouse Healing Center has made it our entire mission to support trauma victims on their path to peace and we aim to share valuable information that can be utilized for the well-being and health of trauma survivors. With that goal in mind, we’re here with some tips that anyone can easily implement to create safe and supportive environments for trauma survivors.

Tips for Creating a Safe Healing Environment for Victims of Trauma

For trauma survivors, it’s extra important to have physical, emotional, and social safety measures in place to decrease the likelihood of triggering or retraumatizing individuals. Having a safe setting in the home, at work or school, and in treatment is important for anyone, and even more paramount for trauma survivors. 

Positive Physical Environments for Trauma Survivors

  • Keep entrances and exits clear and easily accessible
  • In homes, have working locks on all doors
  • Keep all rooms, hallways, and entrances brightly lit 
  • Avoid areas where people congregate or loiter
  • Maintain a low and consistent volume
  • Provide ample opportunity for privacy
  • Ask before rearranging furniture or changing anything major

Emotionally & Socially Safe Environments for Trauma Survivors

Trauma victims often have a pervasive feeling of fear or distrust and having a socially safe space can ease these symptoms of PTSD.

  • Keep conflict to a minimum
  • Maintain appropriate emotional boundaries
  • Avoid large crowds
  • Stick to familiar places
  • Maintain a small social group
  • Ask before introducing new people to the group
  • Provide consistency with schedules & events
  • Offer plenty of notice before any changes are made 
  • Interact in a respectful, compassionate manner
  • Continue to keep communication open and honest
  • Seek to build trust and rapport

It may seem like a very simple act to create a safe space for survivors but by doing so, you are providing them the opportunity to find solace, support, and hope.

Trauma Therapy Near Me

If you or a loved one are suffering from past trauma and are ready to begin a journey to healing, contact Lighthouse Healing Center in Jackson, Mississippi. We have a deep understanding of trauma, and we are here to address every aspect of your past in a holistic manner. Our trauma-informed care uses evidence-based practices to tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs. We offer various approaches including personal therapy, group therapy, mindfulness, yoga, art therapy, family therapy, and more. We strive to help you heal in mind, body, and spirit. Most importantly, we consistently provide compassionate, empathic care that empowers you as you heal and grow through your experiences. Lighthouse Healing Center is a safe and nurturing space in which to explore your path to health and healing. Call us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help!

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